
I like to experiment with different blogging platforms and different mediums for writing. Here are a collection of places where I’m writing (or have written).

Active blogs

My personal blog remains the main place that I might (very occasionally) capture some thoughts. It appears on the homepage of this site.


This is actually my most actively updated blog these days. This site - updated every week since 2008 - contains the world's only nautical-themed set of horoscopes that are automatically generated by a Perl script. Behold the Molluskan Zodiac!


Inactive blogs

There’s always a chance that some of these become active again, but for now they serve as an archive of past activities.

I have written over 350 posts on my ACGT blog (Thoughts on biology, genomics, and the ongoing threat to humanity from the bogus use of bioinformatics acronyms). This is hosted on a separate site and is essentially a dead blog now (as I now longer work in genomics).


This was a web comic that I launched with Abby Yu (who does all of the brilliant drawings). The goal of The Take-Home Message was to entertain and inform people about stories from the world of biology, with a special focus on genomics and bioinformatics.


Feeling engaged? was a short-lived blog that was hosted on Medium. It was intended to be where I occasionally wrote about social media and web related issues, particularly with a focus on metrics.


A tumblr blog that attempted to chronicle all of the five-star rated music in my Apple Music library (a subset that represents only about 1% of the more than 15,000 tracks in my music collection).

rescued by code - banner image.png

Rescued by Code! was a website that supported the various teaching materials that I have helped write in the past (mostly concerning Unix and Perl - including our book Unix and Perl to the Rescue!). This site had an expanded focus as we started writing a new book: Unix and Python to the Rescue!…before life got in the way and the book plans were cancelled.