Writing a new book

Just a quick note to say that I am currently writing a new book with the help of Michelle Gill and Ian Korf. This will be a follow up our Unix and Perl to the Rescue! book. The name?

Unix and Python to the Rescue!

Snazzy eh? You can find out more details about why we are doing this on the newly revamped Rescued by code! website (it didn't make sense to keep on using the unixandperl.com website anymore).

Happy to announce that our Unix & Perl book is finally on sale!

Unix and Perl to the RESCUE! A field-guide for life scientists (and other data-rich pursuits)

At least in the UK. It will take a few weeks for US warehouses to receive stock, and we have still not received our own copies, but at least the book is out there (somewhere). Amazon is discounting the book which puts it into a more affordable price range.


It will be very strange the first time I spot it 'in the wild' by chance. If I spot someone reading it on a bus/train/plane, I wonder whether I will be tempted to say anything.